Wednesday, November 12, 2008

AGS Council Minutes


I. Call to order 5:16 pm

II. Circulate attendance sheet

III. Approve agenda (2 min.) 

IV. Approve minutes from previous meeting (5 min.)

V. Officer reports

a. President- Carrie Carmody (10)

1) Committee for Science Planning- Promotions Advancing Science in University, communicate with public

a. Opportunity for recruiting funding- more funding cuts were made and next year doesn’t look better; including graduate funding

b. What does grad support look like and how can we make up shortfalls

-Discrepancy in funding between t.a. and r.a/gsr
-Incentives to get grant money
2) Normative-1
a. Meeting to reevaluate policy to ntd
3) Committee to select a new dean of the arts
-Carrie is grad on that committee

4) Issue of postdocs under grad division after split with office of research

-They get services/money from grad division, which is paid by student fees, should they since they are not students? (they are classified as employees)

5) Int’l research opportunity conference next Monday 12-1:30 in cross-cultural center

6) Proxies- people not clearing with others before proxy- more than two proxies; which list is appropriate to post?

7) How we want to handle the public and private lists
b. VP Financial Affairs- Sam Danziger (5)

1) New budget info soon; current budget on old site, linked to new

2) Potential of AGS store room converted to a conference room

3) New AGS banner to hang for official events
4) Subcommittees

-Business and Social- have met but not scheduled any parties/events this quarter

-PAB- meeting after meeting today
c. VP External Affairs- Glen Watt (5)

1) Early voting numbers- about 1800 people voted early at UCI this year; good turnout

2) Yudof wrote a letter encouraging students to vote- ~40,000 new student voters registered UC wide

VI. Bill 08-55 Faultline Funding Request (10 min)-

1) About Faultline/ information about this year’s work:

-Faultline Journal is going into its 18th year, run by MFA students, assisted by undergrads from different departments. 

-Currently there are translations in Hungarian, Spanish, Mandarian, French, German, Hindi

-Interviews with writers/poets
-Solicited work from international writers/poets

-Received a few hundred submissions of unsolicited work this year

2) Funding from English department, bookstore, International Center for writing and translation, Vice Chancellor of Students affairs, novelist T Jefferson Parker; budgets are tighter this year

3) Although this is focused on arts students, past arguments for funding are that the journal is submitted/sold to sources outside of university and helps increase university prestige, however it is a large funding request

4) Graduate student involvement: 12 writers, 12 poets, 15-20 readers

-Amendment to reduce funding to $500 11 for, 16 against

-7 no, 19 yes, 2 abstentions for $1000- strongly encourage to seek other sources of funding, such as ASUCI, since many undergrads are also involved in this program

VII. Bill 08-56 Money for Grads hosting Thanksgiving Dinner for other grads (5)

Written by Svetlana, Presented by Jessie

$500 to give $20 giftcards to graduate students hosting other graduate students for Thanksgiving.

Puts AGS name out there in a positive light towards graduate students.  Doing more than just a party for students

Amendments: Request a digital photo of the dinner and graduate students, council members are not eligible. 

24 in favor, 5 abstentions

VIII. Committee Reports (5)

BAG Group- Proposal to admin to adjust ring road bike hours, bike rental program

4-5 new faculty interested in bicycle policy on campus

Business and Social Committee- 2 mtgs so far, tossing ideas around

Tacos Mondays at Steelhead, holiday-themed party, bonfires, trips to local areas, midnight bowling

Time Allotted: 47 min. Actual time: 56 min.